Friday, February 20, 2015

The Load before Spring Break

                 About two more weeks left before spring break comes around, which makes this week good or bad. Mainly, homework load had increased at a much large load as assignments are due at a short period of time. For instance, I had to create three self- portraits for life drawing II, to illustrated the term Turbulence as well as find a culture to sketch for illustration, Creating a flash animation about safety uses of the red bins, finish illustrating a recipe to sketching a book festival poster and come up with a powerpoint, a philosophy essay and a midterm to get ready for. So yes, with all the snow days and altered schedules had made teacher rush in their assignments that they originally schedule just so they have it done. I just couldn't imagine how much time consumption it takes up when working digital and hand drawn.

               Quick update, I actually entered a piece one of my film pieces in an school event, The Improbable Places Poetry Tour. It is a communities of local artist and student displaying poetry into their artwork, and my film teacher thought that my last year project would be accepted in it. This was the video where I interpreted one my creative writing stories and turned it into a visual trailer of the story, having narration from the actually story being told. I was so upset that I wasn't able to attend the reception because of a class but I got a lot of comments about it, mainly positive ones. It must have looked amazing being shown on the big movie screen that I missed out but I'm glad others got to see it. 
               Also I was asked again to do the Artrageous!29 again so that will be upcoming later on.

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